Announced Mass

An Announced Mass is where an intention is made known to the parish community. This Mass Intention is for a particular intention for the deceased, living, healing for the sick, guidance for individuals, or any other special needs or requests. You can request a specific day and time to have the Mass celebrated, but at times you may have to accept whatever date is available. You can ask for a Mass card that will include the time, date of the Mass. If the Mass is being offered for someone else, such as a deceased friend, you can give a Mass card to that person (or to the deceased’s family) to let them know when the Mass will be celebrated in their honour. The name of the individual will be mentioned at the start of the mass and in the weekly parish bulletin.

The offering for Announced Masses is $20.00.

Unannounced Mass

Unannounced Masses are also celebrated for a specific intention for the deceased or living but without any public announcement or acknowledgment. Unlike an announced Mass, where the intention is made known to the parish community on a specific day, a private Mass intention is only communicated to the priest and without public mention.

The offering for Announced Masses is $10.00.

Memorial Lamp

Much like a Mass Intention, the Sacred Heart of Jesus or Immaculate Heart of Mary Memorial Lamps are available to be scheduled for your specific intention. The Lamps are for one month and are in the two transepts of the Cathedral. Everyone may request up to 12 Memorial Lamps per year. The name of the individuals will be in the weekly parish bulletin

The offering for each Memorial Lamp is $300.00 for the month.  

To Note:

  • Intention is for a person or family. First and Last names are required.
  • There is a name limit of 25 characters to ensure the name fits in the bulletin.
  • Use the person’s baptismal name.  “Saints”, “Special Intention”, “Nicknames”; or “Mr./Dr./His Royal Highness etc.” are not accepted.
  • No “Anniversary/Birthday” or events. The intention will be recorded in the Bulletin as Intention for the person’s name only.

Call or visit the parish office to arrange a Mass Intention or Memorial Lamp. Cash and cards are accepted.